To capitalize on the release of a movie hitting this week, I'm doing nothing related! Instead, we get to have some fun in the sun and surf with a Disney animation named Moana.Songs, princesses, magic and lore are to be expected, but can it hold the interest of some random dude on the internet? You'll have to just decide to read it, because this week, I really need to work harder on Maui puns.
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Gamera has always sort of felt like the little dorky brother of the generally more popular Godzilla. Between the constant massive inclusion of the "Kenny" character (heck, I think it's what coined the term), the "Friend of all children," and the fact that it's a flying giant turtle with rocket legs, why wouldn't it be? For the most part, I've always sort of found it hard to take seriously - not that I'm really convinced that it was ever meant to be. Still, I never ended up watching any of the later entries, so today I dabbed my feet into the murky waters of the 90's to find out just how well this giant turtle could be treated. I mean, can't be any worse than some of the other mutant turtles out there.
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Two Marvel flicks in a row from the guy whose already stated numerous times before that he's burnt out on superhero movies? Yeah, well, stuff happens and the queue gives what the queue wants really. I also like to try and shuffle things in batches, so people don't get confused. It's a trippy digital world out there, with buildings that bend it like Beckham and alternate universes around every corner, and every little bit helps. Lets circle-ring our way into a universe where magic is simply funneling energy from other dimensions and gods are sort of just technologically advanced aliens to see if this strange doctor can put on a good show.
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Disney movie that contains no snow in December. Meh, my list of "not Christmas but during Christmas" flicks are running pretty thin, unless i dig into the "make people suffer this trash" tiers or someone introduces me to some I don't know. At any rate, get your "culturally insensitive" safari hats (because that's the world we live in) on, it's time to hop in the jungle and learn that even in nature, cats are still jerks even when every other animal can talk are friendlier than most people.
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A new Final Fantasy game is out, and with it we somehow got another movie too. So far, I've enjoyed the other two movie entries so I have no reason to not think I'll enjoy this right? Well, this week we get to find out the easy way! Get them throwing weapons out and ready up that Firaga, it's time to have ourselves another fantasy!
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I promised people some nostalgia, I give some nostalgia. Goosebumps is one of those things that I'd be hard pressed to imagine a person not hearing about. The books that we all used to read as kids, the television show, even just the fundamental premise of spooky stories that aren't so hard-laced as to be unapproachable by children - things of nightmare, and yet still child-like. Certainly, what once haunted us as kids could be left behind as age stacks like the volumes of books available though, only to find one day an old name coming back to the light as something new. Tonight's entry - the 2015 Goosebumps movie. I'll try not to pun you to death.
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I said this month was going to be nostalgia-fueled, but I never said that there wouldn't be newer movies in the mix. See, for a lot of us Ghostbusters (the original) holds a place in our hearts - hence nostalgia. From the fist announcement of this movie though, it's been a veritable reckoning of heated opinions - and probably one of the most disliked trailers I've ever seen on Youtube. Alas, I'm not one to skip a movie simply based on other people opinions, so I strap myself to an untested nuclear accelerator to find out if what we have is a big old delicious Twinkie or maybe I should have just said I was a god.
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It wouldn't be a proper trip down memory lane for most people if it didn't involve in some shape or form Disney. I can only conceive some Disney thinkers surrounding a cauldron, mixing in some typical formulas, some kid actors, some Halloween spirit, and someone just bumbles in the Three Stooges prompting them all to look on in shock and awe as their brew comes to life. Is it awesome, or is it awful? Did it withstand the test of time when years later that haunting nostalgia gets added to the witching brew? Saddle your broom and lets find out.
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I think this October is going to be something a little... different. I've spent such a long time on a "scary" movie kick that I find myself free of the shackles of searching for something that will chill me to the bone, and as such find myself drawn to a new premise on this month culminating in everyone's favorite excuse to dress up. To start off this more light-hearted, nostalgia filled October, I figured we'd go back - way back - to a little castle in Britain. Rattle your chains and ready your dance number, it's time to see of this ghost will bring us laughs as he drains our color.
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Is it too late to cash in on the Ghostbusters crazy? Wait, you mean to tell me that it wasn't a craze? Well, with my home theater finally back in commission, this weeks "dark offering" is a drafty tale of a ghoulish romance that just might paint he peaks blood red.
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The fabled disastrous heap of a movie of 2016. A film that nearly every single internet critic unanimously said was a giant steaming pile - so much so that the enraged man behind it told them they wouldn't know a good movie if it hit them in the face (paraphrasing on both accounts, of course). A movie that I haven't been so excited to be able to sit down and watch in a very, very long time. I mean, this movie was absolutely rife with terrible all over it, and if there's one thing I can get behind it's a bad movie. There's only one problem though - the movie's trailer actually looked pretty entertaining to me. So were they right, or was my gut feeling based on the trailer the winner of this joust?
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Good old swords and sorcery. Yeah, it's unfortunately one of those genres - like hard science fiction - that never seems to do awesome in theaters (with the exception of the Tolkien mega-hits collection). I won't deny some of that comes down to mind-boggling choices from the creators (those Dungeons and Dragons movies, yow!) or maybe unknown actors or just too much exposition to get people to be able to understand what's even going on in the fantasy worlds. To be fair, to make up for those misgivings, a good fantasy flick provides dozens of interesting creatures - the best of which presented in amazing quality effects - and plenty of potential beautiful sets and costumes. Will this entry fall back beyond 7th place, or will it raise up like the sun?
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Anyone not see this one coming? I mean, Seems as good a movie as any to end the year on, considering it takes place at the end of the year it's set in. I could prattle on about this intro for a while like I usually do - but I'd hate to put it off so long it comes out next year! Let's kick it and see if busting still makes you feel good.
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If you check these out on a weekly basis, then it should be no surprise to you that this movie comes as the butt of a pun that I've spread across the entire month (showing horror movies dealing with Christmas-time only to be followed up by the Nightmare before Christmas on the night before Christmas). Gotta respect a guy for the effort, right? At this point in time, there is already a pretty sizable audience that has already at the very least heard of this movie, so it seems a bit redundant to even put up opinions for it - but then I always remember that even something as recent as 1993 can be new to someone in a time future, so I do it anyways. Slap on your red suits and rattle your bones, let's see if Halloween took over Christmas, or Christmas took over Halloween.
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It's funny when I find ties between movies I've watched without intentionally doing so - such as the first ten or so minutes of the movie having me go "Isn't that the kid from Big Game?" Anyways, December continues, and this time I pulled in something that's somewhat relevant to a few other movies that are supposed to be hitting the big screen soon - no, not Star Wars. See, there seems to have been a kick in the whole Santa thing this year, to be more specific in the portion related to the Krampus. In turn, consider this a little bit of a prep for that, while also still being about Santa - well, dark-side Santa that loves his kid snacks. Putswhole new spin on "girl scout cookies" right?
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Most people would expect me to do a V movie to capitalize on the weekly movie landing on the 5th of November, but quite frankly although the movie had some great quotable quotations, I didn't enjoy it as much as some others did. Since that's that, I instead opted to do a different movie with plenty of gunpowder and memorable moments - one that I enjoy enough to watch on a yearly basis anyways. So this 5th of November, don't bother asking about a treason or plot, but instead ask yourself "What would Jack Burton do?"
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Although the fate of the upcoming "reboot" is as of this written article still undetermined, it somehow seemed fitting to wrap up a month of mixed-bag terror with something slightly more upbeat. A good deal of people already know if busting makes them feel good or not, but it's easy to forget that younger generations haven't always come across flicks that some of us wouldn't consider all that old just yet. Will nostalgia color the eyes like a particle accelerator paints walls, or perhaps you'll find your soul trapped in a movie too fun for its own good?
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I can either sell you on- or turn you away from- this movie with just one name: Mel Brooks. Really, in all honesty, I could just end it there, as most people already know if they'd want to watch it based off of that, but what about that strange breed of folk who don't know who Mel is? I know, it's unthinkable to those who know of him, but let's face it - the times, they keep on rolling. Being that it's October, it's time for an actual reasonable reason to pop out a bunch of horror movies (outside of just "I want to watch them") as I can just go "but spooky ghouls and ghosts and costumes!" Don't worry though, I decided to start it off easy this year by doing a movie more comedy than horror, so let's see if you can handle what the season gave me reason to show, or if this month is going to leave you without a ghost of a chance!
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My sister got married just last weekend, so I decided to use it as an excuse to break out another one of the "old guns" for this week. Even if you haven't seen it, I wouldn't be surprised if you've heard someone quoting it and just not known what they where on about. The real question isn't if this is a good movie - of that I'll go into detail later - but does it hold up well enough that it would still be a good movie for a newer generation. I'd argue that it should just fine, but at the same time if you look at some modern movie goers surely a little resistance wouldn't be Inconceivable!
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I find myself watching found footage movies as though one of these days the perfect one is going to happen around, and the entire world will realize how awesome they could be if done right. It's theoretically not something that should be that hard to do - and if anything building tension should be easier than through normal means, since it adds to the effect that the viewer is there (theoretically). It never seems to happen though, it always seems to somewhere go so terribly wrong - from either holding onto it's suspense for way too long, or pacing that's so dull you would rather go to sleep. Can this movie dig up some fun, or will it be destined to make your bones ache?
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