Filtering by Category: horror

Vampire Hunter D (1985)

present to you, ladies and gentlemen, on the pedestal of my past the movie that got me into something called anime. Beyond that, it introduced me to a new world that even to this day is an exciting twist on the rather dull and expected Vampire genre that feels as though it just carries on through a checklist of things it has to have. It got me back into reading after I had stopped for a while as well, after I found out that the novels from which this was based on were getting an english translation and release, and I got deep enough into it that I own not only those novels, a few of the manga renditions of them, and the two movies (the second will come later, don't you worry), but also a rather mediocre game that came on in the vein of Resident Evil. This, you stunning people, is Vampire Hunter D, and I am quite excited to share my thoughts on my gateway into so many things.

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Grabbers (2012)

Ah yes, drinking and the Irish, one of the easiest stereotypes to come up with. Sure, some will be attracted to the lovely Ireland, or that wonderful accent, or even the alternate monster-movie themed box art. For me, it was all three, although the simple prospect that somehow beer would be the savior of the people within it was far more amusing than any of the other concepts in there. Well then, it's last call - time to find out if it's all tapped out or the best concoction you've ever tried.

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The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (1953)

Ray Harryhausen. It's a name that a lot of people should know, even though in reality these days it's more than likely that less know it than they should. If your old enough, you grew up on his movies, wondering how such creatures could possibly be brought to life - films such as Jason and the Argonauts, Clash of the Titans (the original one), and this one. He was a a special effects master when it came to claymation, and (to my knowledge), this is one of the first movies that he tried a new technique and also got to work with childhood friend Ray Bradbury. Giant monster from back in the days of black and white? Right up my alley, but what about you?

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Halloween (1978)

Even people who don't watch slasher movies know of Halloween, with it's iconic Michael Myers in that white mask. What a better day for a horror movie then on Halloween anyways? As one of the first box-office hits in the genre, it's no wonder that it's a classic - it also has one John Carpenter directing it, so we can be relatively assured that it would at least be amusing. So beyond all the nostalgia, let's figure out just what we have here to draw us all back in.

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Pontypool (2008)

 Ever hear the old adage that the pen is mightier than the sword? One way of perceiving that phrase is to say that the word is strong than action, and indeed this proves to be the case in this movie. It's hard to precisely label this in the genre of horror, as some would pass it off as a zombie film - although there are indeed similarities that would undersell the true nature of the film. Tighten your coat and secure the fireplace, this wintry tale of terror comes just in time to mimic the changing seasons.

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Terror Tract (2000)

 I have a soft spot for anthology style movies such as this. There are many like it, and indeed some stories are have some rather foreseeable outcomes as is typical of these style of movies, but I've always loved that Tales From The Crypt vibe that comes from horror anthologies. In classic format, Terror Tract delivers three stories all contained within it's one over-story, but keeps things from pandering on at a modest 96 minute run time.

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Critters (1986)

 I remember seeing this as a kid, and that I thought it was pretty scary at the time. Now rather grown up, I return to my childhood to see just what I was thinking - and let me tell you what, it's a lot more humorous than I recall. Heck, I can even feel for the ever-hungry little balls of fur, being a guy who's constantly on the look for some lunch myself - of course, I don't eat the entire cow in one sitting.

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Dracula (1931)

To most of us in this day and age, Dracula is a tale as old as time that we all have seen in at least one of its various forms. Probably most known of the various takes is the Bram Stoker's 1992 edition with Gary Oldman, but of all the actor's to have ever played the famous character it is probably none other than Bela Lugosi who a lot of folks see as the Dracula (especially the older crowd who were raised on the old Universal Horror flicks). Imagine my excitement over getting to see a classic such as this using my already existing Netflix streaming subscription - without even having to look for it manually, as it was kind enough to place it in my "Recommended for you" section. The real question, I suppose, that anyone who hasn't been raised on the classics is probably asking is how does it hold up, so I'll stop blathering on here and get to the point.

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Fright Night (2011)

People really like remaking old movies. This is a very dangerous line (remakes), as on the one hand you can draw people that loved the old one - but on the other, you risk being hated for every single thing you changed. It's been seen on numerous occasions - how people reacted to other movies such as the new Superman  or Total Recall  wasn't as positive as I'm sure the makers had hoped. Sometimes it feels as though it was just done to cash in on the name, and everything else was just tossed out the window. So, with a bit of trepidation I proceeded forth to watch this new Fright Night (not in 3D).

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23:59 (2011)

 I love being pleasantly surprised by movies, and I admit that this one did a wonderful job. It was kind of like ordering a cheese pizza, and finding out that you got some bread sticks extra for free - you've got what you want, and something that you like as a bonus. In this particular case, I got what I thought was going to be a ghost story, and got a bit of a compelling depth made to hit people "in the feels" so to speak. Yes, the audio is in Chinese (we'll get that right out of the way now), but as long as you can bear to read a little, you'll probably want to hear what I have to say about this one.

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The Possession (2012)

Many a movie about possessions has been born since the days of The Exorcist, but not all of them ended up being...well... good. This one thankfully doesn't follow the path of the ones worse for wear, but it does leave a few questions to be asked. Little kids and creepy voices, moths and violent behavior, all mushed into a rated pg 13 film. How effective is it really? Read on.

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The Mole Man of Belmont Avenue (2013)

Similar in spirit to films like Shaun of the Dead  or Tucker and Dale, this guy has a quirky premise that I think a lot of folks feel fails to deliver on (judging by the Netflix reviews). I've never heard of it until it showed up on the new additions list, and considering the last movie I saw with Robrt Englund in it as a side part was Jack Brooks  (which I thoroughly enjoyed), I figured let's roll with it and see how it is. Animal lovers beware - although shown violence against pets is rather limited, the implication that most all the furry cast becomes mole meals is pretty straight forward.

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Jason X (2001)

It's that time of the year when everything starts getting spooky, so what better way to usher in the month of October than with a movie that's more comedic than it is terrifying? That's right, prices aren't the only thing to be getting slashed - Jason Voorhees returns in what is (at the time of this writing) the final of the Jason movies (also known to this point as the Friday the 13th series). I tell you what, having finished my quest of watching all of these things at long last, I can totally admit that this is in fact the most amusing of the movies from an entertainment standpoint, but we'll let you continue on to figure out why.

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Higanjima (2009)

If you happen to be a fan of anime in the more recent years, Funimation is a name you will probably recognize. Granted, this movie is not  an anime, but a live action movie that for intents and purposes may as well have been rotoscoped to look like an anime, because it certainly feels  like an anime. Of course, it also has vampires, but not your everyday blood suckers either - these seem to be a bit dispelled from to typical "steak in the heart" vampires us westerners are so used to these days.  Well, let's just stop beating around the bush and get into it. 

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Bad Moon (1996)

This movie may not be the first of it's kind - heck, werewolf flicks are all over the place in terms or release and quality - but there something this movie has that brings it a charm no others have. Thorthe loveable canine hero of the flick. I had fully intended to watch this with a friend, but had to make sure that there was no doggy harm (as lets face it, body count means nothing in a movie to ninety percent of the human race, but as soon as any animal gets tagged that ninety percent starts burning DvDs in protest). Well, before you go any further, let me just say (to much spoilers) that Thor survives the movie.

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