One of the things i loved watching that unfortunately isn’t really going on this year is Monster Madness - a thing they do over at Cinemassacre - because it introduces plenty of different spooky themed movies that I may not have seen before, and plenty of times olden ones. Although this doesn’t particularly fit into that - it does tie into that Angry Nerd tagline of “taking you back to the past” - to be specific, we are gonna hop back to old 1977. That’s old enough to be before even I, and a movie that’s based on something we still have totally all over now - cars! To be honest and specific, more like ghost cars! Look, spooky car’s isn’t an unheard of genre, heck, we’ve even done one over in the TISR section of here where we watched some dude get terrorized by an evil car in a parking garage. This time, we check not just a car, but The Car.
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