Hatchet II (2010)
Hold on to all of your pieces.
- Classic 'fem lead out for revenge!'
- Over the top B-style kills.
- B-stuff.
- A twist that barely matters.
- Pretty much all of the positives in this one could be seen as negatives by some, with exception of the first one.
Straight to the point and layered with glorious B-grade stuff that I enjoy so much. Campy acting, some bad jokes, over-the-top kills a simple plot to keep things rolling, and it doesn't waste hardly any time at all recapping events of the first movie. It tells you what you need to know, sets up a cast of expendables, and then gets right to what you really wanted to see going to it - outrageous and stupid kills with absurd quantities of fake blood spraying around. Guilty pleasure or not, one can't fault it's entertainment value for those who like this kind of movie - but don't expect to find the renaissance of the genre or anything like that.