Kung Fury (2015)
It takes a cop from the future to fight an enemy from the past.
- Retro-Future style (think Far Cry's Blood Dragon)
- Doesn't overstay its welcome - only 30 minutes long.
- Enjoyable soundtrack.
- Great one-liners, plentiful as well.
- Doesn't try to be serious during such a preposterous 80's action-style concept.
- Pretty good effects.
- Not everyone is going to enjoy that future-retro look.
- Not everyone is going to enjoy it's overly campy goofy spoof attitude.
- May find yourself wishing it was longer.
You should really watch this. I mean, it's only 30 minutes long, free, and on YouTube. It's pure entertainment for the kinds of folks that like that over-the-top nonsense style of 80's flick (we all know who we are), and honestly some others may be surprised to find themselves enjoying it more than they thought they would. That being said, I'd advise you should probably check it out before throwing it at your kids to judge if the level of violence/language is inappropriate for them. I'm even being nice enough to give you the link to the actual video on YouTube right below this - although only the Trailer is embedded here so as keep their views theirs, you know?